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CS2 cheats updated to the newest game patch.
Fortnite cheat updated. Fixed minor bugs on AMD CPU's.
万美 PVP (PWA) 正式更新并支持。



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Dear smartaim customers,

We are happy to announce that the CS:GO + CS 2 Beta Multi cheat updated.

The changes are following:

  • Fixed many bugs with aimbot in CS 2 (in particular RCS and other features removed shaking when using Aim Type 2)
  • CS:GO: Improved performance on weak PCs, removed startup delay.
  • CS:GO: Updated the security of anti-cheats such as FACEIT, 5EWIN, ESPORTAL.
  • CS:GO + CS 2: Chams ESP now have several new variations (3 types).
  • CS:GO + CS 2: Added Grenade Helper for MatchMaking players. Also moved it to the version for CS 2 Multi.


  • Gave the opportunity to test CS 2 cheat software to all users with a subscription of 360 days or more.

Happy cheating! 🙂


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