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CS2 cheats updated to the newest game patch.
Fortnite cheat updated. Fixed minor bugs on AMD CPU's.
万美 PVP (PWA) 正式更新并支持。

[Update] New CS2 Multi cheat update


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Dear SmartAim customers and visitors,


We have released a new update for CS2 Multi cheat software with a bug fixes and improvements.



  • Auto-update is available again.
  • Improved performance.
  • Fixed bugs related to ESP.
  • Sonar (sound ESP) is working normally again, fixed sound.
  • Fixed 0x87424 error after launching Faceit client.
  • Fixed bug 0x1122 for AMD processors.
  • Improved security by adding new security and obfuscation methods.


  • Added a video guide for new customers.

This is not all changes, a detailed list of fixes and improvements is available in the client area of the forum.


Kind Regards,

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